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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What is Your Innovative Business Solution Worth? Find Out Here!

Innovation’ multidimensional, going way beyond simple advancements in technology or computer programs. Innovation is a new way of thinking. A new way of doing things that not only applies to equipment and machinery, but to all aspect of a business, from management to marketing, from design to distribution.

It is a new products or services that add value or reduce cost. It is initiative that can capture or retain customers or provide new services. It can even be an idea that does not affect business directly, but create a more business friendly environment. No matter what innovation specifically is, it improves the ways businesses do business and thus a critical driver of growth.

SENADA realizes it cannot lead the innovation movement alone. Therefore, it has launched Business Innovation Fund in June 2007 for firms, institutions and organizations that have innovative ideas for a more competitive Indonesia. This Business Innovation Fund is meant to be as flexible as possible investing only in the most promising of innovation proposals, with the greatest potential impact on industries.

It is the goal of SENADA that innovations financed by the Business Innovation Fund will provide visible, replicable and pilot programs, services and technologies that various industries throughout Indonesia can benefit from. SENADA understand that any level of innovation, however, come a level of risk. The Fund therefore is designed to providing financing (up to $25,000) to mitigate enough risk for forward thinking firms and organizations to allow them think big and act fast.

For more information on the SENADA Business Innovation Fund, please refer to

Or contact:

Aris Martanto


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