A leader who pushes a change agenda too hard risks building resistance and resentment, or even alienating his people. Here are three ways you can challenge the prevailing wisdom and make change happen quietly:
Model the change. Demonstrate the way you want things to change through your own language and behavior. Often, seeing a leader do something first gives people the courage to try it themselves.
Turn negatives into positives. Find ways to reframe people's resistance as opportunities for change. This requires that you listen carefully, understand the underlying reasons for the opposition, and address them directly.
Find allies. Chances are someone else in the organization wants the change as badly as you do. Find that person and pool your resources and ideas.
3 Cara Mempromosikan Perubahan secara tenang
Seorang pemimpin yang mendorong sebuah agenda perubahan terlalu risiko keras membangun resistensi dan kebencian, atau bahkan mengasingkan anak buahnya. Berikut adalah tiga cara Anda dapat menantang kebijaksanaan yang berlaku dan membuat perubahan terjadi dengan tenang:
Model perubahan
Tunjukkan cara Anda ingin semua perubahan melalui bahasa Anda sendiri dan perilaku. Sering kali, melihat seorang pemimpin melakukan sesuatu langkah perubahan pertama, agar orang lain meneladani dan memberikan orang keberanian untuk mencoba sendiri.
Belokkan negatif menjadi positif. Temukan cara untuk membingkai resistensi masyarakat sebagai kesempatan untuk berubah. Ini mengharuskan anda mendengarkan dengan cermat, memahami alasan-alasan yang mendasari untuk oposisi, dan alamat mereka secara langsung.
Cari sekutu
Kemungkinannya adalah orang lain dalam organisasi ingin perubahan separah seperti yang Anda lakukan. Cari orang itu dan tularkan sumber daya dan ide anda.
Salam Apresiatif dan Selamat Berkarya
Sapto T Poedjanarto
Trainer, Facilitator, Reiki Healer
Dinamika Lintasnusa Initiative
Business Quotes lifetime: "Be absolutely clear about what you want to be and how you want to be. The secret of your wealth is hidden in your daily routine. What you do habitually will impact what you become permanently."
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Friday, July 09, 2010
Workplace Network
Social networking is the grouping of entities into specific groups. Individuals networking can become a rural communities, neighborhood, or even professional alliances. Internet nowadays is filled with millions of individuals who are looking to meet other people, to gather and share first-hand information and experiences about anything. Friendship, group sharing, employment and even business deal could be developed through this communication highway.
Many people today are on at least one social networking site such as LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace, Friendster even Twitter. Most people have joined these sites for one of two reasons: to get in touch with friends and family, or to network. Fast forward to 2010 where recruiters consistently turn to social networking technology to find qualified candidates to fill employment vacancies. Normally, they don't seek out candidates from social sites like Twitter or MySpace, but instead look at the business networking sites, such as LinkedIn. Getting "connected" is a very important aspect of job hunting and equally important is portraying a positive online persona.
We found many companies and/or projects consist of various resources either personal or others institution. Often these entities weren’t related, which meant they weren’t operating within the clear framework of obligation provided by family ties. This lack of family ties created the need for more formal agreements regarding the obligations between them. Such agreements had to meet the challenge of ensuring that the relationship between the degree of exposure to risk experienced by each individual, and their share of the rewards, was fair and could be upheld. Many forms of agreement were created to meet these challenges so that people could make the most of the opportunities available for wealth generation. These agreements took such forms as: partnerships, guilds, joint venture companies, joint stock companies, and state sponsored companies. Interested individuals have found ways to organize themselves into groups to take the risks, and reap the rewards, of being the ones to venture forth.
While all of these organizational structures had their virtues, they also had limitations. Many of these arrangements were time limited, location limited, or were for a specific purpose only, and so had to be constructed a new for each new venture. Longer-term agreements ran into difficulties if a founder died or wanted to leave the arrangement, as inheritance issues were difficult to resolve. No agreement was able to solve the problem of unlimited liability for those involved. These various difficulties conspired to ensure that any particular organization rarely lasted any length of time or outlived the founders’ active involvement.
A Workplace Network through internet is the solution for many limitations such as time limitation, location, skill variety needs, event financial limitation. These all resources will be easily communicate to make a business deal.
Many people today are on at least one social networking site such as LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace, Friendster even Twitter. Most people have joined these sites for one of two reasons: to get in touch with friends and family, or to network. Fast forward to 2010 where recruiters consistently turn to social networking technology to find qualified candidates to fill employment vacancies. Normally, they don't seek out candidates from social sites like Twitter or MySpace, but instead look at the business networking sites, such as LinkedIn. Getting "connected" is a very important aspect of job hunting and equally important is portraying a positive online persona.
We found many companies and/or projects consist of various resources either personal or others institution. Often these entities weren’t related, which meant they weren’t operating within the clear framework of obligation provided by family ties. This lack of family ties created the need for more formal agreements regarding the obligations between them. Such agreements had to meet the challenge of ensuring that the relationship between the degree of exposure to risk experienced by each individual, and their share of the rewards, was fair and could be upheld. Many forms of agreement were created to meet these challenges so that people could make the most of the opportunities available for wealth generation. These agreements took such forms as: partnerships, guilds, joint venture companies, joint stock companies, and state sponsored companies. Interested individuals have found ways to organize themselves into groups to take the risks, and reap the rewards, of being the ones to venture forth.
While all of these organizational structures had their virtues, they also had limitations. Many of these arrangements were time limited, location limited, or were for a specific purpose only, and so had to be constructed a new for each new venture. Longer-term agreements ran into difficulties if a founder died or wanted to leave the arrangement, as inheritance issues were difficult to resolve. No agreement was able to solve the problem of unlimited liability for those involved. These various difficulties conspired to ensure that any particular organization rarely lasted any length of time or outlived the founders’ active involvement.
A Workplace Network through internet is the solution for many limitations such as time limitation, location, skill variety needs, event financial limitation. These all resources will be easily communicate to make a business deal.
Zero Minds
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